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전자정부이 누리집은 대한민국 공식 전자정부 누리집입니다.

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The 7th Seoul Defense Dialogue(SDD) to be held from September 12th to 14th

2018.09.04 국방부
글자크기 설정
□ The Ministry of National Defense to host the 2018 Seoul Defense Dialogue (SDD), the vice ministerial level multilateral security consultative body, from September 12th to 14th at Grand Ballroom, Westin Chosun Seoul

□ This year's Seoul Defense Dialogue has the largest number of participating nations since it was launched in 2012, 52 countries (48 countries and four international organization) from Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa attending. In particular, countries including the United Kingdom, UAE, and Uzbekistan are sending a vice ministerial level delegation for the SDD for the first time.
* Total 43 countries (40 countries / 3 international organization)participated in 2017

ㅇ The Seoul Defense Dialogue was formed in 2012 to engage in multilateral security cooperation and confidence building in the Asia-Pacific region. It is growing in both quantity and quality year after year, with an increasing number of participating nations and diversifying agendas.

ㅇ In this year's opening ceremony, the Director of National Security Chung Eui-yong will explain ROK government's vision and efforts towards the establishment of peace on the Korean Peninsula in his keynote address following an opening remark from the Minister of National Defense.

□ Under the overreaching theme of "Sustainable Peace: From Conflict to Cooperation," the 2018 Seoul Defense Dialogue comprises various global security issues including maritime security, cyber security, and the issue of the Korean Peninsula.

ㅇ In particular, Plenary Session 1, moderated by the former Minister of Foreign Affairs Yoon Young-kwan, will involve key stakeholders in both the ROK and U.S. governments including the Vice Minister of Unification Chun Hae-sung, the Vice Minister of Defense Suh Choo Suk, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs of the U.S. Randall Schriver and civilian security experts from China, Japan, and to conduct in-depth discussion on the "Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the Establishment of a Peace Regime."

ㅇ Other plenary sessions will delve into the security issues with global interest including strategic balance in Northeast Asia, maritime security and cyber security.

ㅇ Plus, this year's special session has expanded into four sessions to promote robust discussion on various agenda; in-depth discussions will be held on defense cooperation and energy security, international peacekeeping activities, prevention of violent extremism, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.

ㅇ Taking into account the increased interest in the Korean Peninsula issues, the ROK experts will join the sessions to explain the ROK's defense and foreign policy.

□ This year's Seoul Defense Dialogue will host vice-ministerial level minilateral meetings with ASEAN member states and Central Asian countries to actively support ROK government's New Southern and New Northen Policy.

ㅇ In particular, the ROK-Central Asia Plus Defense Vice Ministerial Talks with six countries including Mongolia, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan, etc. will be held for the first time to explain our government's New Northern Policy and seek to expand defense cooperation.

ㅇ Also, following the last year's meeting, the 2018 ROK-ASEAN Defense Vice Ministerial Talks will be hosted to strengthen cooperation with ASEAN, the center of New Southern Policy. The ROK will share its history of the defense industry and development experience and discuss a model of defense industry cooperation involving and with ASEAN member states.

ㅇ Besides, the ROK will hold bilateral meetings with more than 20 countries to enhance tailor-made defense cooperation such as MOU conclusion and discussion on defense industry cooperation with each nation.

□ On the other hand, the Cyber Working Group, first launched in 2014, is developing as an action-level official consultative body; more than 20 countries are participating in this year's Cyber Working Group to discuss the role of the military in cyber security and focus areas to advance cyber capability.

ㅇ Also, The Seoul Defense Dialogue is heightening its openness by encouraging participation of relevant universities and institutions for each session and expanding the involvement of the public with pre-registration. Plenary sessions will be streamed online to provide opportunities to share the content of discussions from the conference through YouTube and SNS.

□ The Ministry of National Defense will endeavor to make the Seoul Defense Dialogue into a practical security forum striving to promote trust in the Asia-Pacific Region and contributing to regional peace and stability. //END//

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다음 각 호의 어느 하나에 해당하는 자는 500만원 이하의 벌금에 처한다. <개정 2011. 12. 2.>
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4. 제58조의2제2항(제63조의2, 제88조 및 제96조에 따라 준용되는 경우를 포함한다)을 위반하여 저작자에게 알리지 아니한 자
5. 제105조제1항에 따른 신고를 하지 아니하고 저작권대리중개업을 하거나, 제109조제2항에 따른 영업의 폐쇄명령을 받고 계속 그 영업을 한 자 [제목개정 2011. 12. 2.]
에 따라 처벌될 수 있습니다.
<자료출처=정책브리핑 www.korea.kr>


다음제7회 서울안보대화(SDD) 9.12-14일 간 개최

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  • 3. 공공질서 및 미풍양속에 위반되는 내용을 유포하거나 링크시키는 경우
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  • 13. 수사기관 등의 공식적인 요청이 있는 경우

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