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콘텐츠 영역

다보스포럼 계기 한국의 밤 행사 연설문(영문)

2015.01.22 외교부 장관
글자크기 설정

Chairman Huh,
Mr. Bindra,
Ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you Chairman Huh, for hosting this wonderful event. I welcome all of you here tonight.
I know there are many other national nights today. Your presence well shows your friendship for Korea. And for those of you who just came looking for Psy again – no Psy this year. But I have a special message for you, so stay tuned!

Just now, we watched a video message by President Park. As you can imagine, this message is built upon her address before you here in Davos last year, that Korean unification would be a ‘bonanza’ for the entire world. And also, her Dresden speech proposing three key agendas for unification.

And I’m happy to report to you, since then, we have come a long way. The biggest progress is that we have had a re-awakening on the necessity and doability of unification. Not only in South Korea, but around the world, there is now a consensus that this sorry state of Korea's 70 year old division must come to a close. Over the last year, many world leaders from across the world have been rallying to my President’s call to bring down the barriers dividing the Korean peninsula, just like the Berlin Wall was torn down.

As we mark the 70th anniversary of our liberation, as well as the division of Korea, we have a special sense of mission. We remain the only country divided after the Second World War, with the longest armistice in modern history.

Still, some may ask – “what’s so wrong with the status quo?” And “doesn’t unification cost too much?” Others may even argue, "why should we bother about unification, when we have other pressing issues here and now?"

But as a matter of fact, we have been paying an unjustifiably high price for the last 70 years: the humanitarian costs, including the agony of separated families; the abysmal human rights situation in North Korea; the ever-growing tension and instability emanating from North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weapons and long-range missiles.

These are just some true costs of division. And as time goes by, the cost will only go up. So, let me be clear: the division cost is much, much higher than unification cost. Not only Koreans, but the whole world will eventually have to bear the burden.

Then, will Korean unification make things better?

Yes, because a unified Korea will be a herald of peace: no more North Korean nuclear weapons; no more long-range missiles aimed at our own countries.

Yes, because a unified Korea will be a booster of growth: South Korea’s cutting-edge high-tech; North Korea’s abundant mineral resources; 80 million industrious and innovative Koreans. Together, this is a great recipe for synergy and prosperity.

And yes, because a unified Korea will be a land of freedom and democracy, and a defender of human rights. Korean unification will spread universal values throughout the whole Korean peninsula.

But unification's benefits do not end there. I have plenty of good news for our neighbors too. Korean unification will meet the expectations of the US to pursue a nuclear-weapons free world. China won't have to bother about a volatile source of instability at its doorstep.

And Korean unification will generate new economic opportunities – a turning point for northeastern China, new markets for Japan, and renewed impetus for developing the Russian Far East. A unified Korea will be the bridge and the linchpin of a reconnected Eurasia and the vast and fast-growing Asia-Pacific region.

Korea divided will be a geopolitical curse; Korea unified will be a geopolitical blessing. And Northeast Asia will be able to enjoy peace and prosperity. The whole world will be able to share a peace dividend. This is an enormous win-win for all of us.

I have talked about all the goodies in the future. But the devil is always in the details: so how can we get there? I'll emphasize three key points in this regard.

First, we’ll have to remove the obstacles to building confidence and easing tensions in the Korean peninsula. That means ‘No’ to nukes. North Korea’s nuclear weapons are like a cancer on inter-Korean ties and on peace in the region. We must get rid of them. We in the South are pressing Pyeongyang on this issue, while keeping the door open to meaningful dialogue. The international community is closing ranks in support of denuclearization.

North Korea should respond to these calls. The sooner, the better. Like my President said recently, denuclearization is not a precondition, but we cannot talk about peaceful unification or durable peace without resolving this. We’ll continue to work for a virtuous cycle of better inter-Korean ties and denuclearization.

Second, we’ll have to build up a rapprochement between South and North Korea, step-by-step. We’ll cultivate dialogue and cooperation, working from small to big. Like I said at the outset, my president has already proposed a three point agenda on North Korea. The agenda for humanity, concerning humanitarian assistance, including separated families, who should have a reunion at the earliest possible date. The agenda for co-prosperity, building infrastructure that supports people’s livelihoods. The agenda for integration, fostering real connections and building channels on culture, education and sports between the South and North.

Third, we’ll have to create the right international environment conducive to unification. It was just twenty five years ago that divided Germany became reunited. In that process, Germany was able to secure the blessings of its neighbors. That has many implications for Korea. Indeed, for Korean unification, the support of our neighbors is even more important. That is why my government is trying to reach out to our neighbors in the region.

But that is not all. We are using new and creative regional initiatives as well. The Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative, to foster regional cooperation, starting with soft issues. The Eurasia Initiative, to link the energy and logistics infrastructure, connecting the Eurasian continent as one again.

The success of these initiatives will shore up our efforts to bring about North Korea’s change. Already, we have seen the wind of change sweep through other regions, opening up countries like Myanmar and Cuba. So we are working with many partners so that the wind of change will come to the shores of North Korea.

Last but not least, South Korea was born with the endorsement of the UN. Korea's unification will realize the values espoused by the UN. This is why we need and we want the support of the global community, united in one voice. That includes every one of you here tonight in Davos. You are global leaders. What you think, and what you can do for Korean unification matters.

In closing, I have a dream. Today, I stand here as the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea. But one day, not in the distant future, one of my successors will represent a unified Korea here at Korea Night. One Korea Night, of which you are having a foretaste tonight.

If history is any reminder for us, unification will come in an unexpected manner and moment rather than in a predicted fashion. That is why we are laying the solid groundwork for unification.

A reunified Korea will bring another miracle on the Korean peninsula. And a unified Korea will bring us real connectivity, linking the Eurasian continent as one, from its eastern end to its western periphery.

Just imagine that the Trans-Korea and Trans-Siberian Railway will reconnect the Eurasian continent. Koreans, Asians, people from all over the world will hop on the train from Seoul to Paris, Berlin and Davos, and vice versa.

That day is coming. And we are already on that path. Join us and support us on this journey.

Thank you.

공공누리가 부착되지 않은 자료는 담당자와 협의한 후에 사용하여 주시기 바랍니다.
정책브리핑 공공누리 담당자 안내 닫기
기사 이용 시에는 출처를 반드시 표기해야 하며, 위반 시
저작권법 제37조
제37조(출처의 명시)
① 이 관에 따라 저작물을 이용하는 자는 그 출처를 명시하여야 한다. 다만, 제26조, 제29조부터 제32조까지,
제34조제35조의2의 경우에는 그러하지 아니하다. <개정 2011. 12. 2.>
② 출처의 명시는 저작물의 이용 상황에 따라 합리적이라고 인정되는 방법으로 하여야 하며, 저작자의 실명
또는 이명이 표시된 저작물인 경우에는 그 실명 또는 이명을 명시하여야 한다.
다음 각 호의 어느 하나에 해당하는 자는 500만원 이하의 벌금에 처한다. <개정 2011. 12. 2.>
1. 제35조제4항을 위반한 자
2. 제37조(제87조 및 제94조에 따라 준용되는 경우를 포함한다)를 위반하여 출처를 명시하지 아니한 자
3. 제58조제3항(제63조의2, 제88조 및 제96조에 따라 준용되는 경우를 포함한다)을 위반하여 저작재산권자의 표지를 하지 아니한 자
4. 제58조의2제2항(제63조의2, 제88조 및 제96조에 따라 준용되는 경우를 포함한다)을 위반하여 저작자에게 알리지 아니한 자
5. 제105조제1항에 따른 신고를 하지 아니하고 저작권대리중개업을 하거나, 제109조제2항에 따른 영업의 폐쇄명령을 받고 계속 그 영업을 한 자 [제목개정 2011. 12. 2.]
에 따라 처벌될 수 있습니다.
<자료출처=정책브리핑 www.korea.kr>


다음다보스포럼 계기 한국의 밤 행사 연설문(국문)

정책브리핑 게시물 운영원칙에 따라 다음과 같은 게시물은 삭제 또는 계정이 차단 될 수 있습니다.

  • 1. 타인의 메일주소, 전화번호, 주민등록번호 등의 개인정보 또는 해당 정보를 게재하는 경우
  • 2. 확인되지 않은 내용으로 타인의 명예를 훼손시키는 경우
  • 3. 공공질서 및 미풍양속에 위반되는 내용을 유포하거나 링크시키는 경우
  • 4. 욕설 및 비속어의 사용 및 특정 인종, 성별, 지역 또는 특정한 정치적 견해를 비하하는 용어를 게시하는 경우
  • 5. 불법복제, 바이러스, 해킹 등을 조장하는 내용인 경우
  • 6. 영리를 목적으로 하는 광고 또는 특정 개인(단체)의 홍보성 글인 경우
  • 7. 타인의 저작물(기사, 사진 등 링크)을 무단으로 게시하여 저작권 침해에 해당하는 글
  • 8. 범죄와 관련있거나 범죄를 유도하는 행위 및 관련 내용을 게시한 경우
  • 9. 공인이나 특정이슈와 관련된 당사자 및 당사자의 주변인, 지인 등을 가장 또는 사칭하여 글을 게시하는 경우
  • 10. 해당 기사나 게시글의 내용과 관련없는 특정 의견, 주장, 정보 등을 게시하는 경우
  • 11. 동일한 제목, 내용의 글 또는 일부분만 변경해서 글을 반복 게재하는 경우
  • 12. 기타 관계법령에 위배된다고 판단되는 경우
  • 13. 수사기관 등의 공식적인 요청이 있는 경우

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